Wood Turning Tools & Stuff

TurningWood.com was founded on the principle that products woodturners need, have to be of great value, affordable and available. Just like woodturning, it is all about passing on the knowledge. In these pages you will find a cornucopia of “stuff”. Traveling all over the country to symposiums and to demo, taking photos with and of our friends. The idea is for you to sit back and surf the site. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Featured Products

Tshirts are in!

Tshirts are in!

Our 1st shirt. A collaboration of sorts between myself and Bill Karow. My life/wood turners mantra...

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What’s New and How To

New Sample pack – All the greats

New Sample pack – All the greats

We now have a new selection for sample packs. You get a sample pack of Abranet, Galaxy and Gold, in 2" or 3". This gives you a chance to try all the popular types and make an educated decision as to which fits your turning style and budget. They are a little cheaper...

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New Disk Tower Available

New Disk Tower Available

It has been a lot of work, but we have redesigned the disk tower, and it's all for the better. It is bigger, so it holds more disks, about 60 of coarser grits and more of the the finer grits. It is wider, easier to get the disks in and out. It has mounts available so...

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Tim Skilton Mandrels – now 4 types

Tim Skilton Mandrels – now 4 types

We have carried the Tim Skilton Mandrels for 20+ years. In that period of time the ways to mount and spin them have gotten considerably more varied. To that end we can be adaptable as well. We carry the "original" 1" (30mm), 2" (50mm) and 3" (75mm) in the awesome 1/4"...

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Now Available! The Disk Caddy

Now Available! The Disk Caddy

Press Release: Now Available, the Disk Caddy! Plano, TX May 23rd 2024 - Turningwood.com is VERY pleased to announce the disk caddy. It is designed to allow you to take just the sanding disks you need to the lathe to finish your project without having to take stacks or...

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Niclot Mini Caliper now for sale!

Niclot Mini Caliper now for sale!

The new Laurent Niclot mini calipers are in transit and we should have them by the end of the week. There are a bunch of great calipers/thickness gauges on the market for normal and largish hollow forms, but not so much for minis. Now, these are available. Perfect for...

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