by Steve Worcester | Mar 5, 2025 | How To, NEW PRODUCTS, News, Products
It has been a lot of work, but we have redesigned the disk tower, and it’s all for the better. It is bigger, so it holds more disks, about 60 of coarser grits and more of the the finer grits. It is wider, easier to get the disks in and out. It has mounts...
by Steve Worcester | Dec 8, 2024 | How To, NEW PRODUCTS, News, Products
We have carried the Tim Skilton Mandrels for 20+ years. In that period of time the ways to mount and spin them have gotten considerably more varied. To that end we can be adaptable as well. We carry the “original” 1″ (30mm), 2″ (50mm) and...
by Steve Worcester | May 30, 2024 | News, Products
Our 1st shirt. A collaboration of sorts between myself and Bill Karow. My life/wood turners mantra on the front Be Kind Turn Wood Stay Awesome And the back has the bold tattooed knuckles logo. Printed by LD Screenprinting in SoCal, the are a soft 60/40 blend that is...
by Steve Worcester | May 23, 2024 | News, Products, Techniques
Press Release: Now Available, the Disk Caddy! Plano, TX May 23rd 2024 – is VERY pleased to announce the disk caddy. It is designed to allow you to take just the sanding disks you need to the lathe to finish your project without having to take...
by Steve Worcester | May 15, 2024 | How To, News, Products
The new Laurent Niclot mini calipers are in transit and we should have them by the end of the week. There are a bunch of great calipers/thickness gauges on the market for normal and largish hollow forms, but not so much for minis. Now, these are available. Perfect for...
by Steve Worcester | May 1, 2024 | How To, News, Products, Techniques
Great video posted by our friends at Trent Bosch tools on sharpening your Laurent Niclot Miniature Hollowing Tools. We use and sell these tools, available in a set of 3/16″ or 1/4″ tools, a straight tool and a bent tool, with or without a handle. An...
by Steve Worcester | Feb 14, 2024 | News, Products
We are making a limited run of 20 Pizza Cutters with Holders and 100% of the product sale will go to charity. Your choice of wood type or custom cast. Makes a unique wonderful gift and the money goes towards a great cause. Now available in GIFTS FOR GOOD category in...
by Steve Worcester | Dec 15, 2023 | How To, News
It’s been several years since we updated the store and it was time. One thing that was important was to make it easier to shop. In the past, if you were ordering 1 each of a group of sanding supplies, you would have had to click on each one add it to the cart,...
by Steve Worcester | Nov 9, 2023 | News, Products
As you may or may not know, is now making Pizza Cutter Holders (PCH). Designed and manufactured in house, using American made plastics, our Patent Pending stylish PCH (Pizza Cutter Holder) will elevate your art. Quite literally I suppose. Designed to...
by Steve Worcester | Jun 11, 2023 | How To, Products, Sanding
I have posted to my Youtube channel (Steve Worcester) a video that I should have made years ago. One that goes through the general purpose sandpapers we sell of Mirka Gold, Mirga Galaxy and Mirka Abranet. It is a short video (under 10 minutes) and hopefully answers...
by Steve Worcester | Oct 29, 2022 | How To, Techniques, Turning Articles
These are the steps I go through to make the MDF type chucks. Cut 3 each 3 1/4″ squares as bottom left. Next glue 2 together and clamp. Let dry. Then mark with a center finder a circle on the 2 glued pieces and the 3 rd disk. Also mark a 1/4″ disk 3″...
by Steve Worcester | Sep 5, 2022 | How To, News
It certainly has been a long time coming, and quite an investment in video equipment, but our YouTube channel is up and available for your viewing pleasure. We currently have 3 videos posted in the Steve Worcester channel Check them out here Right now there is one on...
by Steve Worcester | Aug 24, 2021 | How To, News, Products, Sanding, Techniques, Turning Articles
I figured it was time to update this list as Micro Mesh regular, which is commonly used for resins, is not color coded if you get the pads, and Zona, a 3M product, is getting amazingly popular. You can download it here as a PDF
by Steve Worcester | Apr 5, 2021 | NEW PRODUCTS, News, Products
OK, I have been absolutely horrible about updates, right?How am I gonna’ sell something if no one knows about it?But we have added quite a bit of new stuff.Abranet disk in 5″ and 6″ for your RO/disk sanders and it works real well for the outside of...
by Steve Worcester | Sep 2, 2018 | How To, News, Products, Techniques
It has been about 3 years since i first got introduced to Eagles Dry Sanding system. I have some friends that swear by it for getting their museum quality spray finishes to to a gorgeous mirror like finish. The problem is that Eagle wasn’t really...
by Steve Worcester | Mar 23, 2018 | Artists on the Web, News, Techniques, Turning Articles, Uncategorized
Everyday we get up and strive to get our customers the best experience possible. Best products, best service and such. So when YouTube Turner, and new customer Rick Blundell put a shout out in his latest video, I am so glad to give it some press. Take a look at the...
by Steve Worcester | Dec 16, 2016 | News, Products
See Brent English from Robust talk about the Scout Lathe and the Universal stand. And as a Robust dealer, we can put you in one of these made in America lathes Check it out here
by Steve Worcester | Apr 29, 2016 | How To, News, Techniques, Turning Articles
Here is a good Woodworkers Journal web article on cutting logs for bowl turning. While it is a reliable tool makes the job easier and does a good job on the safety and execution aspect of it, I think it falls short in placement, where to cut, which is one thing that...
by Steve Worcester | Mar 11, 2016 | News
Interview available here
by Steve Worcester | Mar 9, 2016 | Artists on the Web, How To, News
Here is a fun look into Ashley Harwood Check out the video here
by Steve Worcester | Mar 4, 2016 | Artists on the Web, News
I had the please of doing demos in the same room as Ray one year, I think it was AAW, Providence, RI. Excellent turner and a real nice guy too. Check out his AAW interview here
by Steve Worcester | Feb 23, 2016 | Artists on the Web, News
You can check it out here
by Steve Worcester | Feb 9, 2016 | News, Uncategorized
If you are into negative space, this guy rocks Check Sterns Ceramics out here
by Steve Worcester | Feb 8, 2016 | How To, Jigs -n- Stuff, News
Again, out of the ashes – A simple way to change the velcro on your Skilton sanding pads You can open the page HERE
by Steve Worcester | Feb 8, 2016 | How To, News, Techniques
Another one I dug up off of the old website You can download it here
by Steve Worcester | Feb 8, 2016 | Techniques
This is an older article that Stephen gave me on his stone inlay technique Click HERE for the PDF
by Steve Worcester | Feb 6, 2016 | Newsletters
Check it out here
by Steve Worcester | Jan 29, 2016 | Techniques
I have always been a fan of this style. check out the video here
by Steve Worcester | Jan 28, 2016 | News
Pretty interesting bunch of interviews with long withstanding members of the AAW Read it here
by Steve Worcester | Feb 13, 2015 | How To, Techniques
A few years back, Tim Yoder had a series on PBS called Woodturning Workshop. Over the years I had gotten to know him and he thought it would be fun to come down to my shop and film an episode about how I do my hemisphere hollow forms and incorporate slumped glass....
by Steve Worcester | May 5, 2014 | How To, Techniques
Here is a great video done by North Wood Figured Woods, featuring the Spalt Expert Sara Robinson Ph.D
by Steve Worcester | Apr 21, 2014 | Products, Techniques
Woodturning with Tim Yoder, Episode 2 Tim Yoder starts this episode out by uncrating and moving his new Robust American Beauty into his workshop. Then he goes into the lathe and some of it’s features. Pretty nice. And, I can sell you an American Beauty or any of...
by Steve Worcester | Apr 1, 2014 | News
We had a record month last month. Best of the 15 or so years we have been around that didn’t include a Symposium. Don’t really know why, never have been able to accurately predict buying habits. Might be Spring thaw? But on that note, since we sell mostly...
by Steve Worcester | Feb 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
Thanks to our crackpot (that used to be an endearing term) programmer, our posts now go direct to the Facebook page! Welcome to infinity and beyond!
by Steve Worcester | Feb 12, 2014 | How To, Sanding
Sanding Disks for Woodturning featuring Mirka products Check the Frequently Asked Questions for more info Mirka Gold (P GRIT grading system) these are the best of the best in premium abrasives. (80 to 400 Grit) State-of-the-art coated abrasives technology. Super...
by Steve Worcester | Feb 12, 2014 | How To, Sanding
The Sanding FAQ (frequently asked questions and some others I threw in for the heck of it) Why do some disks fall apart? Backing separates from the paper. When hook and loop (H&L) sandpaper is made, the sandpaper material is bonded to a fabric type back. The way...
by Steve Worcester | Feb 4, 2014 | News, Products
(It’s about time!) As a Robust dealer, I am happy to announce we stock their new live center. Bearings warranted 5 years 3/8” tool steel tip adjusts and reverses to make flat tip Cup center threaded 3/4‐10 for accessories 5/16” thru hole Electro‐less...
by Steve Worcester | Dec 7, 2013 | How To, Turning Articles
Kurt has been in the woodturning community for quite some time. I even went up to demo and teach with his club in Rochester. Aside from being involved with the American Association of Woodturners, Kurt is a prolific writer published in many magazines, Here’s his...
by Steve Worcester | Nov 27, 2013 | News
Let me say thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we work the kinks out of the new store design. Hopefully you have had a chance to order something from it and if you haven’t, don’t worry there is still time. Take the time this week and relax...
by Steve Worcester | Nov 8, 2013 | Jigs -n- Stuff, Techniques
I see new jigs and gizmos all the time, but this one caught my eye as being rather unique and fun. Liked it so much I bought one and asked to carry them. The jig is simple, two pieces that bolt together. One, the face plate for attaching the wood to with 4 countersunk...