New Disk Tower Available

Mar 5, 2025 | How To, NEW PRODUCTS, News, Products

It has been a lot of work, but we have redesigned the disk tower, and it’s all for the better.

It is bigger, so it holds more disks, about 60 of coarser grits and more of the the finer grits.
It is wider, easier to get the disks in and out.
It has mounts available so you can mount it on a wall or mount it on a table.

Now available for 2″ or 3 ” disks and in 3 floors or 4 floors.
The top floor has magnets on the back, the bottom floor has magnets on the back and bottom.
We use N52 rare earth magnets for max holding power.

The top has out logo on it for a real professional appearance.

You can see it in the YouTube page HERE
Or even better, well quicker, check out our Friend Tim Yoder’s  YouTube HERE

You can shop for them HERE

Ideally, pair it with a caddy for point of use for your sanding needs.

Yep, the picture is a screen grab from Tim’s video, because I couldn’t do it better myself